• Emergency Passport Process

    Prompt Passports is a Registered Courier Company at The Phildelphia Passport Agency

    How our Passport Service Works

    How it works

    Applies only to New, Child. and Lost or Stolen Passport Applicants


    1) Book your passport submission day within 14 days of travel, or 28 days if a visa is needed.

    2) Collect all required items for your new passport.

    3) Verify your identity with a Passport Acceptance Agent found at specific Post Offices or County Clerk Offices.

    4) Drop off or Ship the sealed envelope from the Passport Acceptance Agent to Prompt Passport Services.

    5) We will submit your passport at the Philadelphia Passport Agency on the day you have reserved

    6) After submission, we'll send a link for tracking and to check your passport status.

    7) Expect your new passport in 5-7 days.

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